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DWA Auktionskatalog 44  

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Alle Angaben in EuroSortieren nach
1041Denver & Rio Grande Railroad14.12.188750,0050,00
1042Denver & Rio Grande Railroad17.01.191050,0075,00
1043Denver & Rio Grande Railroad12.08.1919100,00130,00
1044Denver, Texas & Fort Worth Railroad31.12.1888150,00150,00 n
1045Des Moines, Iowa Falls & Northern Railway21.10.190360,00offen
1046Detroit, Bay City & Alpena Railroad03.06.1887200,00200,00
1047Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railway02.05.1905100,00110,00
1048Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railway12.10.1905100,00offen
1049Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway09.05.193080,00offen
1050Elkin & Alleghany Railway01.05.1914100,00offen
1051Farmers Rail Road01.11.186680,0080,00
1052Federal Adding Machine Corp.11.05.192250,0050,00
1053First National Bank of Springfield09.08.189475,0085,00
1054Ford Motor Credit Co.01.03.198710,00offen
1055Franco-Texan Land Co.01.09.187650,00offen
1056Galveston, La Porte & Houston Railway01.04.1895150,00offen
1057Georgia & Florida Railway14.12.190980,00offen
1058Georgia Midland Terminal Co.24.12.192350,0050,00
1059Gettysburg & Harrisburg Railroad31.05.188480,00120,00
1060Golden Conqueror Mines Inc.28.01.193650,00offen
1061Golden Cycle Mining & Reduction Co.30.09.191835,0035,00
1062Greenville & Columbia Rail Road24.04.186885,00offen
1063Gulf, Florida & Alabama Railway20.02.191475,0080,00
1064Hackettstown National Bank30.09.186575,0075,00
1065Harlem Independent Hygeia Ice Co.01.10.189960,00offen
1066Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy & Lancaster Railroad17.04.183880,0097,00
1067Helena, Boulder Valley & Butte Railroad01.12.189465,00offen
1068Hibberd Oil Co.29.08.186480,0080,00
1069Importers and Traders Insurance Co.25.11.1856180,00offen
1070International Railways of Central America26.12.191380,00offen
1071Junction Railroad29.07.1884100,00offen
1072Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad12.12.1878180,00190,00
1073Kansas City, Leavenworth & Atchison Railway25.08.1880280,00offen
1074Kansas City, St. Louis & Chicago Railroad12.08.1879100,00offen
1075Kansas City, St. Louis & Chicago Railroad06.07.1880100,00offen
1076Kentucky Fuel Co.26.02.1890100,00offen
1077Kentucky & West Virginia Oil & Coal Co.27.03.186550,0050,00
1078Kittanning & Leechburg Railways02.01.193175,00offen
1079Knoxville & Ohio Railroad17.01.187775,0075,00
1080Lehigh Valley Railroad15.01.1885150,00offen
1081Lehigh Valley Railroad02.07.190150,00offen
1082Lexington & Southern Railway07.08.1880180,00offen
1083Little Rock & Memphis Railroad05.01.188980,00offen
1084Logansport & Northern Indiana Railroad03.08.1853150,00160,00
1085Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis Consolidated Railroad17.04.1893150,00170,00
1086Lykens Valley Rail Road & Coal Co.09.08.1833180,00190,00
1087Lykens Valley Rail Road & Coal Co.03.01.1862100,00offen
1088Lykens Valley Rail Road & Coal Co.15.12.1864120,00170,00
1089Lykens Valley Rail Road & Coal Co.03.11.190550,0050,00
1090Lykens Valley Railroad & Coal Co.25.11.193025,0025,00
1091Lykens Valley Railroad & Coal Co.13.07.194950,00offen
1092Maine Central Railroad15.09.189135,00offen
1093Marietta & North Georgia Railroad15.10.1883150,00offen
1094Maryland, Delaware & Virginia Railway11.10.190560,00offen
1095McKeesport Natatorium and Medical Institute25.09.190350,00offen
1096Medal Wine Co.12.10.189950,00offen
1097Memphis & Charleston Railroad09.08.1887150,00offen
1098Memphis & Charleston Railroad18.07.189250,0050,00
1099Memphis, El Paso & Pacific Railroad23.12.1868150,00offen
1100Merchants Transportation Co.22.02.1859100,00offen
1101Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana Railroad24.11.185740,0040,00
1102Midwest Mills, Inc.15.10.192030,00offen
1103Midwest Mills, Inc.16.10.192020,00offen
1104Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and Railroad Co.22.09.187680,00offen
1105Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and Railroad Co.10.06.1908100,00100,00
1106Minehill & Schuylkill Haven Railroad02.11.1871100,00offen
1107Minneapolis Coöperative Co.07.05.189550,00offen
1108Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad05.02.1912300,00offen
1109Mississippi Central Railroad15.12.187390,00offen
1110Missouri, Kansas & Texas Extension Railway01.06.188030,0035,00
1111Montana Railroad02.05.1898100,00offen
1112Montana Telephone Co.22.06.191060,0060,00
1113Montgomery & Erie Railway03.01.187040,0055,00
1114Mount Hood Railroad02.01.1907120,00offen
1115National Bank of Kansas City06.11.1891340,00offen
1116National Park Transportation Co.01.01.189025,00offen
1117New Castle & Shenango Valley Railroad12.11.1887100,00offen
1118New England Motive Power Co.02.10.188460,00offen
1119New Jersey & New York Railroad13.02.188930,00offen
1120New Orleans, Mobile & Chattanooga Railroad01.07.1870100,00100,00
Alle Angaben in Euro

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