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DWA Auktionskatalog 21  

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Alle Angaben in EuroSortieren nach
1441Manufacturers National Bank of Newark15.03.189530,00offen
1442Merrimac Consolidated Mines Co.10.03.190450,00offen
1443Millville Stock Building Association14.02.189534,00offen
1444Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway01.01.187048,0048,00
1445Montgomery & Erie Railway02.02.186750,00offen
1446Narragansett Pier Railroad18.04.188260,00offen
1447National Airlines Inc.09.05.196114,00offen
1448National Bank of Kansas City06.11.1891380,00offen
1449National Boat and Engine Co.01.12.1910200,00offen
1450Navy Yard, Broad St. & Fairmount Railway01.01.186120,0026,00
1451New Albany & Salem Railroad01.12.1855150,00offen
1452New Cornelia Copper Co.26.01.192820,0020,00
1453New Jersey & New York Railroad31.12.1892100,00120,00
1454New Orleans Terminal Co.15.01.192150,0050,00
1455New York Auto-Telegraph Co.08.12.1885160,00offen
1456New York, Boston & Montreal Railway01.04.1873260,00offen
1457New York Central & Hudson River Railroad01.07.189720,00offen
1458New York Central & Hudson River Railroad04.02.189828,00offen
1459New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad01.01.195018,0018,00
1460New York Railways09.01.192826,0030,00
1461Norfolk & Western Railway25.04.191228,00offen
1462North Banner Con. Tunnel Co.28.11.188340,00offen
1463North Butte Mining Co.22.08.191014,0014,00
1464North Central Airlines, Inc. (Republic Airlines)14.09.197924,00offen
1465North State Mining Co.02.05.1881100,00offen
1466North Western Oil Co.15.08.1865100,00offen
1467Northern Pacific Coal Company of Montana01.01.189020,0020,00
1468Northern Railroad Co. of New Jersey02.07.189934,0034,00
1469Norwich & Worcester Railroad01.03.187750,0055,00
1470Oil Creek Railroad01.03.186580,0080,00
1471Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway28,0028,00
1472Oregon Steam Navigation Co.15.05.1874200,00offen
1473Packard Motor Car Co.27.08.195420,0020,00
1474Penton Publishing Co.01.03.191618,00offen
1475Petroleum and Trading Corp.01.01.192926,00offen
1476Philadelphia & Easton Railway12.11.190436,0036,00
1477Philadelphia & Gulf Steamship Co.25.07.1910120,00offen
1478Philadelphia Traction Co.03.04.189924,0024,00
1479Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad20.01.194318,00offen
1480Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad13.11.192410,00offen
1481Pittsburgh, Youngstown & Ashtabula Railway09.12.196418,0019,00
1482Planet Hollywood International Inc., Version I16.09.199770,0070,00
1483Postal Telegraph Co.26.01.188290,00100,00
1484Rampart City Gold Mines Co.05.11.190650,0050,00
1485Roswell Railroad01.11.1902120,00offen
1486Rutland Street Railway01.12.188560,0060,00
1487Savannah & Atlanta Railway26.01.193930,0030,00
1488South Western Railroad01.01.189020,00offen
1489Southern Pacific Railroad24.05.1869300,00offen
1490Spokane International Railway29.10.190940,0040,00
1491Spyglass Mining & Development Co.24.11.191318,00offen
1492St. Louis Bridge Company10.02.188775,00offen
1493St. Paul Eastern Grand Trunk Railway03.05.188350,0050,00
1494State of Louisiana, Cr. 92 G (R4)01.07.189220,0020,00
1495State of New York, Loan for Highway Improvement10.08.191220,0020,00
1496Studebaker-Packard Corp.14.10.195914,00offen
1497Tennessee & Carolina Southern Railway11.11.1915100,00130,00
1498Third Shooting Festival in New York01.01.1868180,00offen
1499Ticonic National Bank of Waterville20.02.1865170,00offen
1500Trans World Airlines, Inc.08.06.196112,0012,00
1501Union Petroleum Co.21.04.1865120,00120,00
1502United Air Lines Inc.01.01.197012,0012,00
1503United Air Lines Transport Corp. (Delaware)01.01.193480,00offen
1504United Eastern Aeroplane Corp.02.08.1917320,00offen
1505United New Jersey Railroad & Canal Co.02.07.192316,00offen
1506US Airways Group Inc.17.04.200275,00offen
1507Utah Rapid Transit Co.02.01.192075,0090,00
1508Vandalia Railroad24.01.190538,0040,00
1509Vincennes Draw Bridge Co.20.01.186980,00offen
1510Volcanic Oil and Coal Co.15.02.187890,00offen
1511Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Railway10.05.190460,0060,00
1512West Philadelphia Passenger Railway10.08.188148,00offen
1513West Shore Railroad01.01.192020,0020,00
1514Western Dakota Railway01.01.191020,0020,00
1515Western Pennsylvania Railroad Co.20.02.188448,00offen
1516Western Power Co.30.12.192620,0020,00
1517100 Historische Wertpapiere20,0065,00
1518400 Jahre Papiermühlen an der Strunde 1582 - 198220,0021,00
151950 Jahre Deutsch-Asiatische Bank 1890-193901.01.194070,0080,00
152075 Jahre Zuckerfabrik Zeitz m.b.H.70,00offen
Alle Angaben in Euro

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31. Hauptversammlung der AG für Historische Wertpapiere
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XLIV. Auktion Hanseatisches Sammlerkontor
3. Juli 2025:
51. Live-Auktion der Deutsche Wertpapierauktionen GmbH

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