| DWA Auktionskatalog 19 |
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Los | Beschreibung | Datum | Ausruf | Zuschlag | 1361 | Florida Railway | 01.07.1909 | 90,00 | 90,00 | 1362 | Francisco Sugar Co. | 01.01.1950 | 10,00 | 12,00 | 1363 | Fruit Growers Package Co. | 04.01.1908 | 80,00 | offen | 1364 | Fruit of the Loom Inc. | 03.11.1998 | 34,00 | offen | 1365 | Galveston Bay & Texas Land Co. | 16.10.1830 | 400,00 | offen | 1366 | Garland Steamship Corp. | 07.04.1921 | 30,00 | offen | 1367 | Gloucester Iron Works, Inc. | 19.03.1904 | 48,00 | offen | 1368 | Hackettstown Bank | 01.01.1855 | 50,00 | offen | 1369 | Hannibal Coca-Cola Bottling Works | 08.08.1938 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 1370 | Hawaii Telephone Co. | 23.10.1913 | 130,00 | offen | 1371 | Hingham National Bank | 01.10.1896 | 24,00 | 28,00 | 1372 | Hollywood Casino Corp. | 12.08.1998 | 28,00 | 32,00 | 1373 | Homestake Mining Co. | 06.05.1904 | 30,00 | 30,00 | 1374 | Idaho & Washington Northern Railroad | 01.01.1907 | 38,00 | offen | 1375 | Illinois and St. Louis Bridge Co. | 28.01.1880 | 110,00 | offen | 1376 | Illinois Central Rail Road | 16.04.1910 | 30,00 | 34,00 | 1377 | Independent Fish Co. | 11.02.1917 | 50,00 | offen | 1378 | Insull Utility Investments, Inc. | 08.03.1930 | 22,00 | offen | 1379 | International Business Machines Corp. | 27.11.1967 | 22,00 | 22,00 | 1380 | International Business Machines Corp. | 08.01.1985 | 22,00 | 22,00 | 1381 | Interstate Railroad | 13.02.1929 | 80,00 | 90,00 | 1382 | Interurban Railway & Terminal Co. | 20.08.1908 | 40,00 | 50,00 | 1383 | Ivanhoe Mining Co. | 06.07.1883 | 75,00 | offen | 1384 | Jet Aviation Trading, Inc. | 01.01.1997 | 28,00 | offen | 1385 | Kanawha & Michigan Railway | 03.06.1890 | 48,00 | 50,00 | 1386 | Kansas City, St. Louis & Chicago Railroad | 01.02.1910 | 90,00 | offen | 1387 | Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway | 01.06.1897 | 20,00 | 20,00 | 1388 | Lexington & Eastern Railway | 18.10.1894 | 90,00 | 150,00 | 1389 | Libby-Burchell Fisheries Co. | 01.06.1929 | 70,00 | offen | 1390 | Lynn Lodge of Elks, No. 117 Building Ass. | 01.11.1924 | 38,00 | offen | 1391 | Macopin Railroad | 18.05.1912 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 1392 | Manufacturers National Bank of Lynn, Mass. | 01.01.1892 | 50,00 | offen | 1393 | Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of America | 11.09.1913 | 40,00 | 40,00 | 1394 | Marietta & Cincinnati Railroad | 16.03.1863 | 90,00 | offen | 1395 | Mattel, Inc. | 22.04.1998 | 30,00 | offen | 1396 | Memphis, Clarksville & Louisville Railroad | 01.03.1860 | 100,00 | offen | 1397 | Merchants & Manufacturers Bank of Newark | 29.12.1871 | 70,00 | offen | 1398 | Missouri Iron and Steel Co. | 26.08.1920 | 65,00 | 65,00 | 1399 | Mobile & Birmingham Railroad | 20.12.1899 | 40,00 | 44,00 | 1400 | Morris Canal & Banking Co. | 21.05.1860 | 50,00 | offen | 1401 | Morris Canal & Banking Co. of 1844 | 22.05.1868 | 100,00 | offen | 1402 | Morris & Essex Railroad | 10.07.1945 | 44,00 | 50,00 | 1403 | Narragansett Racing | | 20,00 | offen | 1404 | National Bank of the Northern Liberties | 05.01.1865 | 120,00 | offen | 1405 | New Haven & Derby Railroad | 01.02.1870 | 50,00 | 70,00 | 1406 | New Jersey & New York Railroad | 13.02.1889 | 36,00 | 36,00 | 1407 | New Jersey & New York Railroad | 10.10.1892 | 30,00 | 30,00 | 1408 | New Orleans, Baton Rouge & Vicksburg Railroad | 16.09.1872 | 300,00 | offen | 1409 | New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago Railroad | 28.07.1910 | 60,00 | 110,00 | 1410 | New Orleans Railway and Light Co. | 01.11.1909 | 30,00 | offen | 1411 | New York Central & Hudson River Railroad | 11.08.1916 | 20,00 | 20,00 | 1412 | New York Railways | 09.01.1928 | 30,00 | 30,00 | 1413 | North Central Airlines, Inc. | 22.09.1978 | 28,00 | offen | 1414 | Northern Indiana Railway | 05.08.1927 | 30,00 | offen | 1415 | Northern Pacific Railroad | 18.05.1896 | 150,00 | 160,00 | 1416 | Northwest Airlines, Inc. | 11.05.1972 | 26,00 | offen | 1417 | Ohio Cruide Petroleum Co. | 16.03.1903 | 65,00 | offen | 1418 | Oil Creek & Allegheny River Railway | 10.05.1875 | 30,00 | offen | 1419 | Pacific American Fisheries | 29.10.1946 | 40,00 | offen | 1420 | Pacific Railroad (of Missouri) | 08.11.1875 | 75,00 | 80,00 | 1421 | Paterson & Hudson River Railroad | 10.12.1914 | 40,00 | offen | 1422 | Pekin, Lincoln & Decatur RR (Macon County) | 11.10.1871 | 50,00 | 55,00 | 1423 | Penn Petroleum & Refining Co. | 12.04.1919 | 34,00 | offen | 1424 | People’s Passenger Railway Co. of Philadelphia | 24.03.1882 | 50,00 | 55,00 | 1425 | People’s Passenger Railway Co. of Philadelphia | 21.10.1888 | 50,00 | offen | 1426 | Peoples Bridge Co. | 20.03.1890 | 60,00 | offen | 1427 | Petroleum and Trading Corp. | 01.01.1929 | 28,00 | offen | 1428 | Philadelphia Bourse | 10.06.1899 | 34,00 | 38,00 | 1429 | Philadelphia, Castle Rock & West Chester Railway | 16.05.1894 | 60,00 | 60,00 | 1430 | Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co. | 18.04.1910 | 65,00 | offen | 1431 | Philadelphia & West Chester Traction Co. | 16.09.1895 | 40,00 | 42,00 | 1432 | Pittsburg Traction Co. | 04.10.1889 | 30,00 | 30,00 | 1433 | Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway | 13.04.1892 | 24,00 | 28,00 | 1434 | Planet Hollywood International, Inc. (3 Stücke) | | 80,00 | offen | 1435 | Planet Hollywood International Inc., Version III | 27.02.1998 | 50,00 | offen | 1436 | Plymouth Rock Mining Co. | 02.03.1881 | 44,00 | offen | 1437 | Portland Gold Mining Co. | 16.08.1895 | 160,00 | offen | 1438 | Portland Zoo Railway - Washington Park Division | 01.01.1959 | 50,00 | 80,00 | 1439 | President, Managers & Company of Rancocus Toll-Bridge | 18.02.1793 | 800,00 | offen | 1440 | Provo Gun Club on the Bear River | 19.10.1934 | 50,00 | 50,00 |
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