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DWA Auktionskatalog 19  

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Alle Angaben in EuroSortieren nach
1361Florida Railway01.07.190990,0090,00
1362Francisco Sugar Co.01.01.195010,0012,00
1363Fruit Growers Package Co.04.01.190880,00offen
1364Fruit of the Loom Inc.03.11.199834,00offen
1365Galveston Bay & Texas Land Co.16.10.1830400,00offen
1366Garland Steamship Corp.07.04.192130,00offen
1367Gloucester Iron Works, Inc.19.03.190448,00offen
1368Hackettstown Bank01.01.185550,00offen
1369Hannibal Coca-Cola Bottling Works08.08.193850,0050,00
1370Hawaii Telephone Co.23.10.1913130,00offen
1371Hingham National Bank01.10.189624,0028,00
1372Hollywood Casino Corp.12.08.199828,0032,00
1373Homestake Mining Co.06.05.190430,0030,00
1374Idaho & Washington Northern Railroad01.01.190738,00offen
1375Illinois and St. Louis Bridge Co.28.01.1880110,00offen
1376Illinois Central Rail Road16.04.191030,0034,00
1377Independent Fish Co.11.02.191750,00offen
1378Insull Utility Investments, Inc.08.03.193022,00offen
1379International Business Machines Corp.27.11.196722,0022,00
1380International Business Machines Corp.08.01.198522,0022,00
1381Interstate Railroad13.02.192980,0090,00
1382Interurban Railway & Terminal Co.20.08.190840,0050,00
1383Ivanhoe Mining Co.06.07.188375,00offen
1384Jet Aviation Trading, Inc.01.01.199728,00offen
1385Kanawha & Michigan Railway03.06.189048,0050,00
1386Kansas City, St. Louis & Chicago Railroad01.02.191090,00offen
1387Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway01.06.189720,0020,00
1388Lexington & Eastern Railway18.10.189490,00150,00
1389Libby-Burchell Fisheries Co.01.06.192970,00offen
1390Lynn Lodge of Elks, No. 117 Building Ass.01.11.192438,00offen
1391Macopin Railroad18.05.1912100,00100,00
1392Manufacturers National Bank of Lynn, Mass.01.01.189250,00offen
1393Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of America11.09.191340,0040,00
1394Marietta & Cincinnati Railroad16.03.186390,00offen
1395Mattel, Inc.22.04.199830,00offen
1396Memphis, Clarksville & Louisville Railroad01.03.1860100,00offen
1397Merchants & Manufacturers Bank of Newark29.12.187170,00offen
1398Missouri Iron and Steel Co.26.08.192065,0065,00
1399Mobile & Birmingham Railroad20.12.189940,0044,00
1400Morris Canal & Banking Co.21.05.186050,00offen
1401Morris Canal & Banking Co. of 184422.05.1868100,00offen
1402Morris & Essex Railroad10.07.194544,0050,00
1403Narragansett Racing20,00offen
1404National Bank of the Northern Liberties05.01.1865120,00offen
1405New Haven & Derby Railroad01.02.187050,0070,00
1406New Jersey & New York Railroad13.02.188936,0036,00
1407New Jersey & New York Railroad10.10.189230,0030,00
1408New Orleans, Baton Rouge & Vicksburg Railroad16.09.1872300,00offen
1409New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago Railroad28.07.191060,00110,00
1410New Orleans Railway and Light Co.01.11.190930,00offen
1411New York Central & Hudson River Railroad11.08.191620,0020,00
1412New York Railways09.01.192830,0030,00
1413North Central Airlines, Inc.22.09.197828,00offen
1414Northern Indiana Railway05.08.192730,00offen
1415Northern Pacific Railroad18.05.1896150,00160,00
1416Northwest Airlines, Inc.11.05.197226,00offen
1417Ohio Cruide Petroleum Co.16.03.190365,00offen
1418Oil Creek & Allegheny River Railway10.05.187530,00offen
1419Pacific American Fisheries29.10.194640,00offen
1420Pacific Railroad (of Missouri)08.11.187575,0080,00
1421Paterson & Hudson River Railroad10.12.191440,00offen
1422Pekin, Lincoln & Decatur RR (Macon County)11.10.187150,0055,00
1423Penn Petroleum & Refining Co.12.04.191934,00offen
1424People’s Passenger Railway Co. of Philadelphia24.03.188250,0055,00
1425People’s Passenger Railway Co. of Philadelphia21.10.188850,00offen
1426Peoples Bridge Co.20.03.189060,00offen
1427Petroleum and Trading Corp.01.01.192928,00offen
1428Philadelphia Bourse10.06.189934,0038,00
1429Philadelphia, Castle Rock & West Chester Railway16.05.189460,0060,00
1430Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co.18.04.191065,00offen
1431Philadelphia & West Chester Traction Co.16.09.189540,0042,00
1432Pittsburg Traction Co.04.10.188930,0030,00
1433Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway13.04.189224,0028,00
1434Planet Hollywood International, Inc. (3 Stücke)80,00offen
1435Planet Hollywood International Inc., Version III27.02.199850,00offen
1436Plymouth Rock Mining Co.02.03.188144,00offen
1437Portland Gold Mining Co.16.08.1895160,00offen
1438Portland Zoo Railway - Washington Park Division01.01.195950,0080,00
1439President, Managers & Company of Rancocus Toll-Bridge18.02.1793800,00offen
1440Provo Gun Club on the Bear River19.10.193450,0050,00
Alle Angaben in Euro

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Aus der Auktion:
Ann Arbor Railroad
Ann Arbor Railroad
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49. DWA Live-Auktion – nur noch 7 Tage bis zur Auktion!

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