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March 7, 2024

46nd DWA Live-Auction is online right now!

Dear Collector! As of now, you can view the lots on our DWA website Date: April 4, 2024 (12 p.m.). In this auction again an interesting collection is waiting for you.

For a quick orientation we give you below the table of contents (in brackets "from lot..."):
Egypt (1), Ethiopia (4), Argentina (6), Belgium (21), Brazil (39), Bulgaria (63), Chile (64), China (66), Costa Rica (69), Cuba (70), Denmark (72), Germany before 1948 (74), Germany after 1948 (510), Ecuador (755), Estonia (757), Finland (758), France (759), Principality of Liechtenstein (791), Greece (792), Great Britain (795), India (828), Italy (830), Japan (834), Yugoslavia (835), Canada (837), Royal and Imperial Monarchy (844), Colombia (862), Congo (863), Latvia (865), Mexico (867), Netherlands (874), Norway (875), Austria (886), Panama (929), Poland (930), Portugal (938), Romania (950), Russia (960), Sweden (970), Switzerland (975), Zimbabwe (981), Spain (982), South Africa (1009), Czechoslovakia (1012), Turkey (1030), Tunisia (1038), Hungary (1040), Uruguay (1045), USA (1046), Vietnam (1321), literature and miscellaneous (1322).

As always, bids can be submitted traditionally by postal mail, by e-mail or via the bidding function on our website. But of course it can also get really exciting with the live bidding function directly during the auction. You can find out how this works here:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Michael Roesler - Phone +49-(0)5331-9755-21
Esina Osmanovic - Phone +49-(0)5331-9755-34

Best regards,
Esina Osmanovic



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